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Firearms Dealer & Store Owner

XS Category Report: September-October 2017

It’s hard to believe that summer is already over and hunting season is around the corner. Historically, gun sales and NRA memberships increase during this time. Thank you to all new and experienced Recruiters bringing in members to the NRA. Your efforts will truly make a difference as we head into the busiest time of the year.

Arsene Wenger (one of the world’s most successful professional soccer coaches) said, “When you look at people who are successful, you will find that they aren't the people who are motivated, but have consistency in their motivation.” If we are to be successful in restoring and protecting our God given right to bear arms, we must be consistent in asking people to join the NRA. Consider Chucks Gun Shop. Year after year they recruit more than a thousand members by using a simple strategy; every employee asks every customer to be an NRA member.

Remember why you are working so hard to grow the NRA. Don’t lose the consistency in your motivation. As sales start to pick up, remember to ask every customer if they would like to be an NRA member. As store owners, you provide people the opportunity to exercise their Second Amendment. Your recruiting efforts ensure that you are able to continue to provide that opportunity. Each member counts!

Thank you for your resilient support of the NRA. If there is anything you need to help recruit more members please let me know. I am honored to work with each of you in restoring the Second Amendment. Let’s not be satisfied with one victory but continue working to restore and protect our firearm freedoms.

General Inquiries

NRA Recruiting Programs
11250 Waples Mill Road
Fairfax, VA 22030
[email protected]

Northern Region Recruiter Inquiries

David Helmer
[email protected]

Western Region Recruiter Inquiries

John Hurwitz
[email protected]

Southern Region Recruiter Inquiries

Paul Littlefield
[email protected]

Central Region Recruiter Inquiries

Colin Nash
[email protected]

NRA Recruiters

The NRA Recruiting program provides a great opportunity for NRA members to strengthen the NRA by increasing membership and earn extra money at the same time!


There is no cost to enroll. Apply to become an NRA Recruiter today!