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NRA Certified Instructor

XI Category Report: March - April 2017

by David Helmer, March 23, 2017

Marketing Manager

Thus far in 2017, Instructor Recruiters continue to be the fastest growing category and are experiencing a wealth of success.  Starting off on a track similar to last year, XI recruiters have already recruited more than 4,000 members!  Instructors have been reaching out to me daily with new ideas to enlist more members, showing that innovation and creativity is the key to increasing membership sales.   

Jamie Kadavy, from NE, implemented a recruiting strategy using his academy’s merchandise.  Kadavy offers a pack of 35 paper-target games for sale to his students, but gives the target pack for free to anyone who joins or renews with NRA on the spot.  Similarly, many other instructors have offered free hats or rental deals on unique firearms to anyone who joins.

Antonio Polisi from NY has been showing a video related to gun laws in Australia before class and during breaks to get his students fired up about protecting the Second Amendment.  In his first class as a NRA Recruiter, Antonio signed up 17 members!  If you would like information or videos to show in your classes, please email me at [email protected].

Moving forward, remember that every student you encounter could potentially join, renew or extend their NRA membership.  Find the best strategy to convince your students the right time to renew is with you during class.  Life members can sign up friends or loved ones to take advantage of whatever deal you may decide to offer.  Since many instructors are characterized by an entrepreneurial spirit, I am confident you’ll be able to apply the appropriate methods to reach your recruiting goals in 2017!

NRA Recruiters

The NRA Recruiting program provides a great opportunity for NRA members to strengthen the NRA by increasing membership and earn extra money at the same time!


There is no cost to enroll. Apply to become an NRA Recruiter today!