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NRA Certified Instructor

XI Category Report July - August 2016

by David Helmer, July 27, 2016

Marketing Manager

The first half of 2016 has been an outstanding success for XI recruiters, increasing over 83% over last year!  With 1107 active XI recruiters, the dedication of instructors is truly reflected across the entire nation.

Every recruiter should adjust their personal recruiting style to fit their audience.  James Earnhardt of Omaha, NE enrolled as a recruiter last December and has already signed up over 70 NRA members doing just this.  He begins his classes by asking who is already a NRA member.  When most say they aren’t, he passionately explains how if you support the Second Amendment or plan to carry a firearm, you need to support the leading organization lobbying for your rights.  James then adds that, regardless of one’s political stance, NRA membership provides $2,500 in firearms insurance, a huge benefit for any gun owner, and easily pays for itself.  After explaining the discounted rates, James passes around the application book.

The key is to find the need that your current crop of students have and filling that need with the right NRA’s membership benefit.  Study the benefits as much as possible and really listen to what each of your students has to say.  As an expert in your field, your students respect your opinions and trust your advice.  When you stress the importance of NRA membership and lay out the returns, you will enlist a higher percentage of members in every class you teach.   

NRA Recruiters

The NRA Recruiting program provides a great opportunity for NRA members to strengthen the NRA by increasing membership and earn extra money at the same time!


There is no cost to enroll. Apply to become an NRA Recruiter today!