That’s a wrap! This year has been a rollercoaster with some highs and lows. Many of you have expressed an increase of difficulty selling NRA memberships, but you persevered. In fact, this was the 3rd best year for members recruited in the history of the recruiting program!
Thank you all for your hard work and perseverance. XS Recruiters certainly stepped up to the plate with creative thinking and determination. Top Gun Shooting Sports in Michigan is a great example. They implemented a free NRA membership with a purchase of a range membership and also used the commission as incentives for their employees. This resulted in a record year for Top Gun Shooting Sports in NRA membership sales. Many other stores such as Phelean Gun Range, Beaver Creek Armory, Range STL, The Bow and Barrel Sportsmen Center, and others have also used their ranges in some capacity to sell NRA memberships.
2018 showed us no matter how others may try to subjugate the NRA, our Recruiters will not back down. We are grateful to have you by our side as we stand and fight for our Second Amendment. We are strong and can persevere thanks to businesses and individuals such as yourselves.
Keep up the great work in 2019. This battle for the Second Amendment will not relent. Thankfully, I know you will not either. We are confident new records will be broken, creative strategies will be implemented, and once again you will show the impact you have on the NRA. Thank you again for your immense support I am blessed to be working with each and every one of you.
The NRA Recruiting program provides a great opportunity for NRA members to strengthen the NRA by increasing membership and earn extra money at the same time!