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NRA Certified Instructor

XI Category Report: November - December 2017

by David Helmer, November 30, 2017

Marketing Manager

Instructor Recruiters have been successful in making a major positive impact on the NRA in 2017, with 991 dedicated XI Recruiters bringing in over 11,400 members! It’s interesting to note that 142 of the active Recruiters this year enrolled in 2017, proving new Recruiters can truly make a difference.  Inactive Recruiters can also serve as a reminder that we must be conscious not to lose our recruiting passion as time passes.

One Instructor Recruiter who has sustained his recruiting passion over the years is Dan Starks.  Dan has been a top NRA Instructor Recruiter every year since enrolling in 2002, signing up 4,534 members in total!  His passion and effectiveness as a Recruiter is evident.  Not only has he brought in 96 members this year, he is averaging over $120 per member!  Multi-year and Life memberships are a great way to strengthen the NRA, and are also where Recruiter discounts start to play a major role in the new member decision making process.  Be sure to point out these savings to students as often as possible!

With hard work and consistency, any instructor can become an elite Recruiter.  It is important to keep your eyes open for unique opportunities, but also very important to refine your strategy to sign up as many of your students as possible.  If you would like to discuss potential strategies that may work for you, please contact me at [email protected].  Let’s keep the momentum going into 2018 by setting our goals high, both long term and short, and always keeping the NRA on our minds.  Your hard work and dedication are truly appreciated by NRA and our members!

NRA Recruiters

The NRA Recruiting program provides a great opportunity for NRA members to strengthen the NRA by increasing membership and earn extra money at the same time!


There is no cost to enroll. Apply to become an NRA Recruiter today!