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Western Region Gun Show & Event

Western Regional Report: May - June 2017

by Allison Hammes, May 25, 2017

Western Region Recruiter Representative

Thank you all for your continued efforts!  It has been no easy task following a record year in 2016, but with your hard work we have been able to continue to grow our membership numbers!

The NRA recently announced a new comprehensive self-defense insurance and training program called Carry Guard.  More information about Carry Guard can be found at www.nracarryguard.com or you can read a recent American Rifleman article about it here.  If someone asks you for more information about Carry Guard, please direct them to the Carry Guard website or have them call 866-672-5050.  We hope to have a recruiting system for Carry Guard in place in the upcoming months. 

Historically, the summer months reflect a lower number of gun shows coupled with smaller attendance.  This is a great time to venture to new locations and events.  Don’t let any opportunity pass by that may produce members.  Car shows, motorcycle rallies, rodeos, festivals and fairs are great summer events to reach new members who may need the extra encouragement that comes with face to face interactions.  Retail locations are also great places to sign up new members.  Working smaller events during the summer months also allows you to network and could lead to bigger events in the future.

NRA Recruiters

The NRA Recruiting program provides a great opportunity for NRA members to strengthen the NRA by increasing membership and earn extra money at the same time!


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