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Club & Association

XC Category Report: May - June 2018

by David Helmer, May 23, 2018

Marketing Manager

NRA Club Recruiters have continued their strong run in 2018 and are up 12% compared to last year.  With the media’s focus on NRA and firearms, many gun owners have been turning towards their local gun clubs for community and strength.  Since clubs have a large influence over their respective communities, the right policies and recruiting strategies in place can lead to very positive results for the NRA and our nation as a whole.

The most significant policy gun clubs can enforce is requiring 100% NRA membership.  More and more clubs are adding 100% NRA membership to their bylaws, not only to support our Second Amendment rights, but also to take advantage of the potential benefits and awards.  If you would like to learn more about the benefits and how we can help you easily achieve 100% NRA status, please email me at [email protected].

One NRA Club to highlight is the Holmesburg Fish and Game Protective Association (HF&G). HF&G has consistently recruited NRA members since 1993.  The club primarily recruits using paper applications and by posting their web link online, but they also run an annual membership drive every September at their open house, promote the NRA at hunter safety classes and recruit at their Youth Field Day. 

Many clubs, similar to HF&G, have frequent opportunities to recruit which they haven’t taken advantage of!  As the club’s NRA Recruiting contact, ask yourself “What else could we do to bring in more NRA members?” 

Summer events at the club present a great opportunity to sign up non-members from your community.  Once a new shooter learns the importance of shooting for both self-defense and the discipline developed through recreation, make sure they understand the current fight for our rights!  Joining your local gun club and joining the NRA go hand in hand, which is why many more clubs are finding it easy to update their bylaws to become a 100% NRA club.  As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact me.

General Inquiries

NRA Recruiting Programs
11250 Waples Mill Road
Fairfax, VA 22030
[email protected]

Northern Region Recruiter Inquiries

David Helmer
[email protected]

Western Region Recruiter Inquiries

John Hurwitz
[email protected]

Southern Region Recruiter Inquiries

Paul Littlefield
[email protected]

Central Region Recruiter Inquiries

Colin Nash
[email protected]

NRA Recruiters

The NRA Recruiting program provides a great opportunity for NRA members to strengthen the NRA by increasing membership and earn extra money at the same time!


There is no cost to enroll. Apply to become an NRA Recruiter today!