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Western Region Gun Show & Event

Western Regional Report: September - October 2017

by Allison Hammes, September 21, 2017

Western Region Recruiter Representative

It’s hard to believe summer is over and fall is here.  Thank you, to all the Western region Recruiters for working hard to have another great summer of recruiting.  Gun show attendance should pick back up but continue to look for events to go to outside of gun shows.

Selling memberships this year has not been easy.  Many people don’t feel the need to sign up or renew because the threat to their Second Amendment rights isn’t front page news.  We need to be more proactive than ever.  Make sure you talk to everyone who walks past your table.  Simply asking “Are you an NRA member?” can get the conversation started and potentially lead to a membership.  The more people you can talk to, the more memberships you will get.  Once the conversation has started, you can reply to any objections they may have for not signing up/renewing.  If you are coming across the same objection and are not sure what to say back to them, let me know and I will help you through it. 

Getting the conversation started is also a great way to highlight the benefits of membership including $2,500 insurance for their firearms, monthly magazine and discounts on a variety of products.  For a complete list of member benefits visit benefits.nra.org  Their membership dues are also going to help protect and defend our Second Amendment rights as well as supporting all of our different programs such as education and training and our Eddie Eagle GunSafe program.  For a complete list of NRA programs visit explore.nra.org  Sometimes all it takes for a potential new member to sign up is letting them know about these great benefits.  The more information you know about the organization, the easier it will be to tailor your sales pitch to a potential member. 

As always feel free to contact me if there is anything I can do to assist you.  Let’s keep the momentum going as we close out the year.

NRA Recruiters

The NRA Recruiting program provides a great opportunity for NRA members to strengthen the NRA by increasing membership and earn extra money at the same time!


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