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Central Region Gun Show & Event

Central Regional Report: November - December 2017

The end of 2017 is near; thank you all for your hard work and perseverance. You have recruited over 15,000 members in the region this year alone! New Recruiter Gene Garcia has stepped in to fill five new events and has managed to recruit over 100 members since May!

Continue to capitalize on every opportunity to recruit new members.  Be sure to highlight NRA’s Five Star benefits package as a great reason to join the NRA.  Additionally, emphasize the $600 Life membership promotion available until the end of this year. This is over $900 in savings from the regular life membership price of $1,500!

As we head into 2018, set recruitment goals for yourself. Once you have a set goal in mind, figure out a plan to achieve it. Have you approached your show promoters about the “Join Here, Get In Free” program? Start by reaching out to your show promoters and get them on board with this deal! Their success is our success and it’s a great opportunity for us to collaborate together!

I begin my heavy travel season in December. If you need to contact me when I am not in the office, email is the best method as I will have access to email while on the road.   If you need immediate assistance, call the Recruiting Hotline at 1-800-672-0004.

Thank you again for a great year, I look forward to 2018 and hopefully seeing a lot of you in Dallas at our Annual Meetings in April!

NRA Recruiters

The NRA Recruiting program provides a great opportunity for NRA members to strengthen the NRA by increasing membership and earn extra money at the same time!


There is no cost to enroll. Apply to become an NRA Recruiter today!