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Central Region Gun Show & Event

Central Regional Report: March - April 2017

March 2, 2017

The Central Region has posted a 15% gain over the previous year! However, don't let the post-election cycle fool you- we must continue to be proactive as we head further into 2017. As Wayne LaPierre has stated, "Winning the battle isn't the same as winning the war".

Here are a few tips to help you remain proactive as to not let our early gains slip away throughout the year:

Sign up for ILA updates- Keep up to date on what ILA is doing on the state and federal level. You can sign up at https://www.nraila.org/sign-up and follow the weekly ILA grassroots information.

Urge current members to sign up 1 more person- Imagine if every NRA member signed up 1 friend or family member each? We would double NRA membership and have an unstoppable voting bloc!

Review membership applications to ensure all the information is filled out correctly- I have several applications that have invalid credit card information, missing address information and missing numbers from the recruiter information. These are mistakes that not only hold up recruiter commissions, but more importantly, they hold up the member processing. Remember, member satisfaction leads to member retention and delays in processing lowers member satisfaction.

As always, thanks again for all of your continued dedication and hard work. We have accomplished so much in the last couple of months and it has been a pleasure working with all of you. My winter travel season is now coming to a close, and I look forward to catching up with all of you!

NRA Recruiters

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