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Central Region Gun Show & Event

Central Regional Report: July - August 2017

We have reached the halfway point of 2017 and Central Region Recruiters are well on their way to making this another great year! Over 10,500 members have joined or renewed through our Central show recruiters so far and we have another 6 months to go!

 While recruiters continue to sign up members, we are slightly behind the record shattering pace of 2016. Matching last year’s membership totals would be a phenomenal accomplishment for our region. Take time to set a goal for the second half of the year and plan to reach this number. Let me know what your goals are and I will assist you in any way I can to make sure you reach your goal! My job is to help you recruit as many members as possible and provide you with any assistance necessary to achieve your targets and objectives!

 Additionally, remember to be creative and utilize the show materials you order to your advantage. Here’s some additional tips:

  • Try using the Get in Free promotion by working with your show promoters and give free admission to those who join or renew at the show. Your totals will sky rocket! Let me know if you have any questions on how you can get this set up!
  • Many NRA members do not understand how a renewal works. Remind the members they will not lose a single day of their membership if they renew early- the renewal simply adds to the end of their current membership.
  • Stay up-to-date with what legislation and initiatives going on in your state, city and county. Sign up for NRA-ILA alerts by subscribing online at nraila.org or download the ILA app!
  • Visit the new NRA Facebook page to read the latest posts and updates!

Thank you again Central Recruiters! I have had a blast working with you all and I know we make a great team! I look forward to finishing out this year successfully and hopefully meeting some of you at Annual Meeting in Dallas next year!

NRA Recruiters

The NRA Recruiting program provides a great opportunity for NRA members to strengthen the NRA by increasing membership and earn extra money at the same time!


There is no cost to enroll. Apply to become an NRA Recruiter today!