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Western Region Gun Show & Event

Western Regional Report: May - June 2018

by Allison Hammes, May 23, 2018

Western Region Recruiter Representative

2018 has started off strong!  So far, the western region has recruited almost 9,000 members and the applications continue to roll in.  We are approaching the halfway point of the year and mid-term elections are around the corner.  Because of the current political climate, we are seeing a lot of new memberships. The midterm elections should help capitalize on this momentum, so make sure you’re prepared and have plenty of supplies on hand.

The summer months have less gun shows, so it is imperative to be on the lookout for new events.  These events can include rodeos, fairs, festivals, air shows, military shows or any other event with likeminded people.  You can also check to see if a local outdoor store or gun store/range are hosting any events you can recruit at.  Gun shows will always a great way to recruit members, however, the more events we attend, the more members we reach.

Make sure you look over applications after the member fills them out.  Ensure the handwriting is legible and all payment information is included (i.e. full credit card number and expiration date).  If the application is not legible or if it is missing payment information, the application cannot be processed; you won’t get commission and the individual won’t get their membership.

Keep up the momentum as we finish out the first half of the year.  Take every opportunity to talk to as many people as possible about the great things the NRA is doing for gun owners.  There is no better time to join than now, and no better place to join than at your table. 

General Inquiries

NRA Recruiting Programs
11250 Waples Mill Road
Fairfax, VA 22030
[email protected]

Northern Region Recruiter Inquiries

David Helmer
[email protected]

Western Region Recruiter Inquiries

John Hurwitz
[email protected]

Southern Region Recruiter Inquiries

Paul Littlefield
[email protected]

Central Region Recruiter Inquiries

Colin Nash
[email protected]

NRA Recruiters

The NRA Recruiting program provides a great opportunity for NRA members to strengthen the NRA by increasing membership and earn extra money at the same time!


There is no cost to enroll. Apply to become an NRA Recruiter today!