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Northeast Region Gun Show & Event

Northeast Regional Report: May - June 2018

by Hannah Greene, May 23, 2018

Northern Region Recruiter Representative

So far this year the Northeast Region has kept an incredible pace for memberships. We just passed 9,100 memberships—this puts us almost 5% ahead of the year to date total from this time in 2017. This is no small feat! I cannot thank you enough for your hard work. Many of you are on track to match your numbers from last year, which is fantastic. I’d like to highlight some recruiters who have taken their efforts a step further and have already surpassed their year to date totals from this time last year:

  • Greg Sullivan (IN) – up 11%
  • Paul Mattson (ME) – up 21%
  • Chris Beebe (OH) – up 43%

These gentlemen have seen an increase in their numbers because they have consistently attended annual shows and tried new ones as the opportunities arose. This is the drive we love to see!  There’s always new opportunity to expand our member base. Check your local listings for upcoming shows and events. Forums such as Gun Show Trader are great resources to use to stay on top of prospective events.

Relationships with show promoters are key to succeeding at your shows and expanding your recruiting horizons. Reach out to me and we will find new promoters to see if they need an NRA Recruiter at their upcoming show.  Call the promoters you’re currently working with and let them know you’re interested in taking on more events. No matter what, always ensure that there isn’t already an NRA Recruiter attending an event that you’re interested in going to yourself as to avoid doubling efforts!

As you send in your member applications from your shows and events, don’t forget to include a post-show report. These reports are a crucial tool in helping our recruiting team here at HQ keep up with both the shows our association is being represented at and your individual progress over the course of the year. If you need a copy of the report template, one is available for download on the NRA Recruiting website under the “Recruiter Downloads” tab.

NRA Recruiters

The NRA Recruiting program provides a great opportunity for NRA members to strengthen the NRA by increasing membership and earn extra money at the same time!


There is no cost to enroll. Apply to become an NRA Recruiter today!