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XR Category Report: March - April 2018

People are seeing the importance of the Second Amendment and going online in search of places to join the NRA. As Recruiters, you have the wonderful opportunity to assist them in this endeavor. Many of our web-based Recruiters—such as AR15.com, GunsHolsterandGear, SW Forum, Arms Vault and others—have made it easy for people to join the NRA. Posting articles or blog posts about the NRA and the importance of joining has led to more than 1,000 members. Individuals with a large following such as Jim Scoutten and Ted Nugent have used their platform to help people join, once again resulting in over 1,000 members. All Recruiters, regardless of the size of their audience, have been instrumental in helping people protect the second amendment and join the NRA.

Thank you for what you do for this organization. Many of you freely give your time, resources, and business to help strengthen the NRA. During this time of heightened attacks on the NRA, you are standing strong for freedom. I have received e-mails and calls from many showing your support and desire to grow the NRA. We must not back down but continue to stand and fight. Look for every opportunity to recruit new members. Continue reaching out to people through every platform you have, digitally and physically.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask. If you are not receiving monthly updates on how XR Recruiters are doing please let me know. This monthly update gives great examples of how others are helping grow the NRA. Thank you again for all you do. We are privileged to be standing with you as we fight for the rights of all law abiding Americans to own a firearm.

NRA Recruiters

The NRA Recruiting program provides a great opportunity for NRA members to strengthen the NRA by increasing membership and earn extra money at the same time!


There is no cost to enroll. Apply to become an NRA Recruiter today!