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XR Category Report: January - February 2018

In 2017, XR Recruiters sold over 19,500 memberships. We are still experiencing long term growth, thanks to all the members you have brought in.

A special thank you to our top 5 Recruiters who, combined, recruited 3,620 members. Tier One Media was the top XR Recruiter with a total of 1,842 members. Shooters World in Tampa, Florida had the second most with 751, followed by the Well Armed Woman with 352, Duncan’s Rainbow Range with 352, and Tim Harmsen with 326. I would also like to give a special nod to GunsHolsterandGear who signed up 306 members with over 75% being life members!

As our organization continues to grow we must continue to reach new demographics. One of the ways we do this is through our Recruiters. This year we saw an increase in YouTube Recruiters, a great way to reach younger generations. Thank you to the YouTube channels that show us their support and bring in new members to the NRA. As the organization grows, so must the number of our recruiters. Thank you for your hard work and suggestions for new Recruiters. You truly make a difference in restoring the Second Amendment.

2018 is going to be a great year. With a year of experience in this new environment and midterm elections, we are poised for increased growth. As conversations about politics arise, be sure to take advantage of this opportunity to stress the importance of the NRA. With crucial House and Senate seats in contention, people will be keener to support the NRA. They know the impact NRA has in elections, as was seen with President Trump. It is important to remind everyone that even with a pro-gun president, we need to fill congress with pro Second Amendment representatives. The ground work we laid in 2017 will better prepare us for victories in 2018.

NRA Recruiters

The NRA Recruiting program provides a great opportunity for NRA members to strengthen the NRA by increasing membership and earn extra money at the same time!


There is no cost to enroll. Apply to become an NRA Recruiter today!