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Western Region Gun Show & Event

Western Regional Report: January - February 2018

by Allison Hammes, January 25, 2018

Western Region Recruiter Representative

Happy New Year!  2017 was a great year for NRA recruiting and will go down as the third best year ever for the program.  You should all be proud of the effort you have put in to help grow our Association.  Without the countless hours and energy spent by all of you, the NRA would not be what it is today.  2018 is going to be as important as 2017 in our ongoing fight to protect our rights.  With mid-term elections happening this year we must continue to do everything we can to increase membership! 


In 2017, five Recruiters signed up over 1,000 members.

-NRA Members’ Council of Huntington Beach
-John Taglia
-NRA Members’ Council of Inland Empire
-Gary Benefield
-NRA Members’ Council of Alameda County


Now that it is the beginning of the year, setting goals is a great way to stay productive and on track.  Aim to beat your memberships from 2017.  Think of ways to add memberships, such as attending a new event or working with a show promoter on a get in free promotion at a gun show; every little bit counts.

Any goal that you set for yourself can be easily attained if you are prepared and work relentlessly to meet your numbers.  Now is the time to make sure that you have plenty of recruiting supplies and to solidify your schedule for the first few months of 2018.  Always be ready to sell members an early renewal as this just adds time onto any remaining months that they may have on their current membership.  Thanks again for the hard work you’ve put in and I look forward to making 2018 another very successful year.

NRA Recruiters

The NRA Recruiting program provides a great opportunity for NRA members to strengthen the NRA by increasing membership and earn extra money at the same time!


There is no cost to enroll. Apply to become an NRA Recruiter today!