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Northeast Region Gun Show & Event

Northeast Regional Report: January - February 2018

by Hannah Greene, January 25, 2018

Northern Region Recruiter Representative

With 2017 in our rearview mirror, let’s take a look back and congratulate the year’s Top 10 Recruiters:

  1. Harry Jacobs – 4,513
  2. Andy Madura—1,195
  3. Personal Protection Institute—1,170
  4. Greg Sullivan—950
  5. Wayne Blank—879
  6. Allen Shireman – 794
  7. James Lyon Jr. – 773
  8. Jeffrey Steele – 610
  9. David Maybach – 511
  10. Nicholas Merlino – 318

I cannot thank you enough for your hard work and perseverance this past year. The Northeast Region recruited over 16,000 members! Overall, 2017 was our third best year ever in the recruiting program. That’s HUGE! What a way to ring in my first year in Show Recruiting.

As we kick off the New Year, I encourage each of you to set a new recruiting goal. It can be anything from increasing your number of member sign ups or trying a new show—whatever motivates you to challenge yourself in a new way this year. Even with your new goals in mind, make sure you don’t forget to keep up with the basics:

  1. Ensure that every application is properly completed. This means that every app has a complete and accurate name, mailing address, and contact information.
  2. Double check the payment method. If the member is paying with a credit card, make sure their correct card number and expiration is reflected on the application. If they’re paying with a check, make sure the written and numeric totals match. Never send cash through the mail!  Please get a cashier’s check, money order or write a personal check for the total cash you receive at the event.
  3. Maintain a professional and inviting table space. The better your table looks, the more likely members are to stop by. If you need new materials, you can order on the Recruiting Supplies website or by calling the hotline at 1-800-672-4445.

Winter travel season is upon us, which means I will be on the road for the majority of the next couple months. Email will be the best way to get in touch with me during this time. As always, I will do my best to get back to you as soon as I can. Here’s to a fantastic 2018!

NRA Recruiters

The NRA Recruiting program provides a great opportunity for NRA members to strengthen the NRA by increasing membership and earn extra money at the same time!


There is no cost to enroll. Apply to become an NRA Recruiter today!