The XR category makes up the most diverse group of Recruiters. Each Recruiter plays a crucial role in strengthening the NRA. Our XR Recruiters use their businesses, relationships, and reach to bring in many new members to the NRA. So far this year, we have over 275 active Recruiters that have recruited over 16,500 members!
An up and coming sect of XR Recruiters are making a big splash so far in 2017.YouTubers such as: Sootch00, The Daily Shooter, Alabama Arsenal, Weapons Education, etc. reach thousands of people every time they post one video. These personalities use their influence to recruit members into the NRA. In fact, our YouTube Recruiters have brought in over 600 members this year alone by posting a web link on their sites and directing them to that link in their videos. Ranges are another cornerstone for the XR category and are doing incredibly well. Sacramento Valley Shooting Center, Duncan’s Rainbow Range, and Smith & Son Armory require NRA memberships to shoot at their range. They too have brought in over 600 members this year.
All of our Recruiters understand the importance of a strong NRA. They recognize that as the NRA grows, so do their firearm focused businesses. We are all in this together and we each play a crucial role. Whether it is YouTubers educating their audience on the latest and greatest, or ranges providing a place to exercise your second amendment, together we are advancing the NRA’s mission.
Thank you for all you do for the NRA. We appreciate your hard work and dedication. You are helping strengthen the NRA one member at a time. If there is anything I can do to help you reach your goal of 25 or above please do not hesitate to reach out to me.
The NRA Recruiting program provides a great opportunity for NRA members to strengthen the NRA by increasing membership and earn extra money at the same time!