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XC Category Report: November - December 2017

by David Helmer, November 30, 2017

Marketing Manager

As 2017 comes to a close, results indicate another successful year for NRA Club Recruiters.  In the aftermath of a successful election, it can sometimes be difficult to rally troops to the cause.  However, Club Recruiters surpassed expectations as they were able to bring in over 24,000 members as of mid-November 2017!  I want to challenge all Club Recruiters to finish the year strong and help us hit the 26,000 mark, but more importantly, I want to challenge you to start setting your goals for 2018!  As many competitors know, setting a specific goal to work towards as a team is the best way to reach your potential.

Every club has a unique structure and recruiting history, so every club should have a distinct 2018 goal.  Whether your club is finally ready to make the final push to 100% NRA membership or focus on doubling recruiting efforts from 25 members to 50, there is always room for improvement.  Your club should also set a goal to reach more members of the community by signing up guests and recruiting at club events open to the public.  If you want more club members to contribute to the NRA recruiting effort, set a goal to have every club member sign up at least one NRA member.  If you’re interested in discussing possible strategies, please reach out to me at [email protected] with ideas or questions.

The positive recruiting efforts from two clubs in particular has brought to light another goal that may work well for your club, increasing multi-year recruits.  South Chester County Sportsmen and Butler County Sportsmen Rifle and Pistol work hard to ensure 100% NRA in their club and also push multi-level memberships and enroll a low level of associate memberships.  If members of your club insist on the associate membership to meet club requirements, show them the magazine options included with the full 1- year membership and explain the importance of supporting the NRA in the first place.  It is also a great time to push Life memberships, since Recruiters can sign up Life members for $600 through December 31st.

Moving forward, remember to set your goals for 2018 and shape your recruiting strategy to more effectively reach all of your club’s members and members of your local community.  The NRA greatly appreciates your dedication to our Second Amendment freedoms.  As always, let me know if there is anything I can do to assist in your efforts to grow the NRA!

NRA Recruiters

The NRA Recruiting program provides a great opportunity for NRA members to strengthen the NRA by increasing membership and earn extra money at the same time!


There is no cost to enroll. Apply to become an NRA Recruiter today!