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Western Region Gun Show & Event

Western Regional Report: November - December 2017

by Allison Hammes, November 30, 2017

Western Region Recruiter Representative

As we head into the home stretch of 2017, thank you to everyone for their continued hard work and dedication. Following the record year of 2016 has not been an easy task, but with everyone’s diligence we have been able to continue to build our membership base.  In particular, The NRA Members’ Council of Huntington Beach has increased their membership totals by almost 1,000 members from 268 members recruited last year to 1,108 members this year.

Discussing a Get in Free Promotion with show promoters can help increase NRA exposure and membership numbers, meaning more commission for you!  To operate one of these events you will need the cooperation of your promoter.  A Get in Free Promotion is mutually beneficial to us and the promoter.  If you would like more information about this promotion, feel free to ask. 

I have begun to build the gun show list for 2018.  As always, please inform me of any gun shows you are working for the first half of the year.  Remember, I need your shows three months in advance so we can ensure that they make our publication list.

I will begin my travel season again in January.  During this time, email is the best way to contact me.  If you have problems or questions that you need me to address please contact me before I spend a majority of my time on the road.  2017 has been a great year.  Take a moment and reflect on all of our successes but remain mindful that the fight is ongoing into 2018!                                   

NRA Recruiters

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