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XR Category Report: May - June 2017

So far this year our top 5 XR Recruiters have all recruited 150 or more members! What is even more impressive is the variety of Recruiters who make up the top 5. In the top 5 we have a TV Show, an individual, website, and businesses. Our XR category is our broadest category. With the diversity of Recruiters that make up the XR category we are able to reach people wherever they are. Thanks to you, we have already brought in close to 4,000 members.

Our XR Recruiters are attentive individuals who see the value in recruiting using their network. Many of you realize the opportunity you have to grow the NRA through your work relations. When speaking with you, I’m excited about the opportunities you have in your work place or social interactions. You show that there is always an opportunity to sign people up when you look with purpose.

What is unique about our top 5 XR recruiters is how they take advantage of the opportunities presented. Whether it’s heavily promoting the $600 Life when it was offered, recruiting at local events, or simply using the platform they have, every one of them saw an opportunity and seized it. Becoming a top Recruiter involves seeking multiple ways to recruit and fully utilizing every chance you have to sign up members to the NRA.

As you are recruiting, I encourage you to do two things. First, take full advantage of your network. Remember why you started recruiting and where you saw the best chance to sign up members to the NRA. Second, seek other opportunities to recruit. Look at local events in your community or other social interactions you might not have considered. Doing these two things can greatly help your recruiting efforts and might even earn you a spot in the top 10 XR Recruiters this year!

You are on the front lines of freedom. Through your recruiting efforts you are making the NRA stronger one member at a time. Thank you for all you do for the NRA and for freedom.  As always I am happy to hear, learn, and help in any way I can.

NRA Recruiters

The NRA Recruiting program provides a great opportunity for NRA members to strengthen the NRA by increasing membership and earn extra money at the same time!


There is no cost to enroll. Apply to become an NRA Recruiter today!