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Southeast Region Gun Show & Event

Southeast Regional Report: May - June 2017

Over the last two months, the Southeast Region has seen a slight dip in memberships. Don’t let this discourage you from getting out there and asking people to join or renew. Whether it’s at a festival, sporting goods store, gun show, or rally always be ready and willing to sign people up!

Here are some tips to help close the sale:

  1. Utilize the Show Recruiter Knife Kit. The knife is a newer premium that members aren’t used to seeing Recruiters offer. It has worked successfully in selling multi-year memberships.
  2. Know what’s happening in your state! If you can speak to the legislation that is trying to be passed or blocked, you have a better chance of getting someone to join.
  3. Keep your pitch short, simple, and to the point. People walking by are in a hurry. Be sure to catch their attention, be brief, and close the sale.
  4. Speak to the member benefits. People like to know what comes with their membership besides fighting for their 2nd Amendment rights!
  5. Finally, BE POSITIVE! A great attitude and a smile goes along way.

With these tips and everyone working together, we can close the gap between last year and this year. The train doesn’t stop now that we have a President in our corner. We must keep on fighting. There will always be anti-gunners out there that will try and bring us down.

As always, I am here to assist you. Let me know how I can help you get to your goal of at least 25 members recruited. Thank you for your continued dedication to the NRA.

NRA Recruiters

The NRA Recruiting program provides a great opportunity for NRA members to strengthen the NRA by increasing membership and earn extra money at the same time!


There is no cost to enroll. Apply to become an NRA Recruiter today!