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NRA Certified Instructor

XI Category Report: July - August 2017

by David Helmer, July 27, 2017

Marketing Manager

Thus far in 2017, 772 Instructor Recruiters have brought in 6,879 NRA members!  Keep up the good work and keep trying new recruiting strategies to reach as many new members as possible.  New shooters look up to you as experts in the field, so make sure they understand the importance you place on NRA Membership.  New recruiters can learn a great deal from experienced recruiters, but it is also important that veteran recruiters learn from new recruiters and remember their passion from their first few months.

Antonio Polisi became a recruiter in February of this year and has already signed up 61 members.  When Polisi instructs his hunter education classes, he sets up a NRA display table at the front of the room.  During breaks, he plays NRA-related videos, inspiring his students resulting in groups of members signing up or renewing together.  Another new recruiter making an impact is Marcos Avellan of Miami Shooter’s Club.  He has signed up 29 members since he enrolled in March, 26 of which were online.  Avellan emailed his web link to a large email list of former students who opted in because of their interest in firearms.

As time goes on, be mindful not to lose your recruiting passion that brought you to enroll.  Finely tune your strategies as you identify and relate to your recruits.  Study membership benefits thoroughly and know what each student is looking for.  When you pitch the NRA, be persistent, stress the right benefits and provide some type of visual aide as to what they will be receiving.  You could also try including membership dues with your course fees or offer discounts on personal merchandise.  Be creative with your ideas, but keep in mind what is most important and why YOU joined the NRA in the first place!

NRA Recruiters

The NRA Recruiting program provides a great opportunity for NRA members to strengthen the NRA by increasing membership and earn extra money at the same time!


There is no cost to enroll. Apply to become an NRA Recruiter today!