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Western Region Gun Show & Event

Western Regional Report: July - August 2017

by Allison Hammes, July 27, 2017

Western Region Recruiter Representative

As we move through the halfway point in the year, continue to be proactive with your recruiting efforts and finding new events.  Now is also a great time to revisit some recruiting basics.

When filling out applications, it is very important that we have a complete and legible name and address.  The birth date of the member needs to be on the application if they are paying for an age specific member type (i.e. junior or junior life membership).  If the customer is paying with a credit card we need the complete credit card number and the expiration date.   Also, we need a phone number that we can reach them at if there are any issues in processing the credit card information.  If the member pays with a check please review the check after they complete it to make sure that it is filled out correctly.  Taking a few extra moments to make sure that all the information is completed ensures that when it arrives to the office it can be taken directly to processing and there are no delays to our members or to you for your commissions.

Making sure that your applications are submitted correctly will also help ensure the fastest possible processing. Applications need to be clearly divided into three sections; Cash, Check, and Credit Cards. Your check or money order should be stapled to the cash applications, same as a single check membership. The Gun Show Report is important to help organize the applications in the correct order and will help eliminate errors.

My summer travel season is getting ready to start.  During this time, I will be out of the office frequently so email is the best way to reach me.  Keep up the hard work and let’s finish 2017 strong.

NRA Recruiters

The NRA Recruiting program provides a great opportunity for NRA members to strengthen the NRA by increasing membership and earn extra money at the same time!


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