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Southeast Region Gun Show & Event

Southeast Regional Report: January - February 2017

Congratulations, Southeast Recruiters on a successful 2016. Together we recruited over 38,000 members, a 35% increase from 2015. Great job! Special congratulations to Harold Osmon for winning Gun Show Recruiter of the year. Harold attended over 30 events in 2016 resulting in 2,168 members. A job well done!

The following Recruiters also had outstanding years:

  • Bruce Roberts & Associates recruited 402 members in his 1st year!
  • JT International had the highest percentage increase in 2016 at 600%, a total of 1,028 members!
  • Showmasters for ranking #2 out of 622 NRA Recruiters- totaling 5,639 members!

Reaching 5 million members wouldn't have been possible without YOU! Thank you all for your continued hard work and dedication to the NRA.

With a new year, comes new goals. I ask each one of you to set a goal of how many members you will commit to recruiting this year. Please share with me any events you have already scheduled. Remember a minimum of 25 members is asked of our Recruiters each year.

As you begin filling out membership applications, please remember the following:

  • 1. Always double check credit information. This is the most common error we see. Make sure the credit card numbers are legible and the expiration date doesn't expire within a month of the application date.

  • 2. First and Last name must be on application. Even if the member is renewing, we still need their first and last name, not just the member number.

  • 3. Complete address filled out. All information regarding the member's address- street address, city, state, and zip code- must be filled out or the application can't be processed.

Remembering these simple tips will help NRA towards a successful 2017! If you have any event ideas or know of a show not covered in your area, please contact me to see if something can be arranged. Winter travel season has begun meaning I will be in and out of the office and will get back to you as soon as I can. Thank you again for all your hard work and here's to a great 2017!

NRA Recruiters

The NRA Recruiting program provides a great opportunity for NRA members to strengthen the NRA by increasing membership and earn extra money at the same time!


There is no cost to enroll. Apply to become an NRA Recruiter today!