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Southeast Region Gun Show & Event

Southeast Regional Report Sept. - Oct. 2016

The countdown is on! With the election less than 50 days away, your NRA needs all the support and memberships we can get. Have you done your part to ask every person to become an NRA member? Congratulations are in order to the following Recruiters who have some of the largest increases in memberships to date compared to 2015.

  • Greg Stratton + 760%
  • JT International + 330%
  • Home Guard Associates + 128%
  • Dominus Web Solutions + 108%
  • Mark Lee + 43%

These Recruiters do not stand alone. There are many others that also have substantial increases. As a region, we must keep these increases coming. We are in the home stretch of 2016 and now is the time to continue to get out and recruit!

While we have great increases this year, we have also seen more than 200 bad applications come back from processing due to the following:

  • Credit card numbers not written down correctly- # 1 issue!
  • Incorrect expiration date from credit card
  • Can’t read handwriting on the application
  • Not filling out entire mailing address


Please make sure we are double checking that all of the member’s information is correct. If the information isn’t correct it will cause delays in processing for both the member and your commission.

I know it can be busy and overwhelming at shows with multiple people joining at once. Remember, they are making the choice to sign up for the NRA. They will wait because they want to! It’s ok to take the time to make sure all information is correct. Just think, we would have 200 more memberships added to the Southeast Region!  

NRA Recruiters

The NRA Recruiting program provides a great opportunity for NRA members to strengthen the NRA by increasing membership and earn extra money at the same time!


There is no cost to enroll. Apply to become an NRA Recruiter today!