What a start! The first four months of the year have been an outstanding success. Your dedication and hard work has certainly payed off. Records are being broken and new names are cracking the top 10 list. We are witnessing tremendous growth in members recruited from both new and old recruiters.
There are many stand out recruiters thus far for 2016. Suburban Sporting Goods already has a personal best of 392 members only four months into the year! The owners, Don and Jim, attribute this success to giving the commission to the employees who make the sale. Jim wanted to have more employees recruiting and providing them with an incentive of commission did the trick.
There have been countless other recruiters who are experiencing similar results. Turner’s Outdoorsman, Shoot Straight, Homestead Gunsmith Shop, First Defense Firearms, and Lawman’s Guns & Supplies, all have more than doubled the amount of memberships they sold at this same time last year. They achieved this success by being proactive and asking everyone to be a NRA member.
These recruiters are perfect examples of how to maximize the opportunity that is before us. They recognize the political climate we are in and are seizing the opportunity to sell more NRA memberships. Set goals, break records, be creative, and ask everyone who comes to your store to be a NRA member. That’s what these recruiters—and many others—have done and they are seeing a dramatic increase as a result.
We are all in this together. No matter if you do thousands, or if you are striving for twenty five, everyone is making a difference. Do not get discouraged, keep asking. The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few and us few are making a colossal impact. Remember, if you have any questions or need any help at all, please contact me, I would be happy to help.
The NRA Recruiting program provides a great opportunity for NRA members to strengthen the NRA by increasing membership and earn extra money at the same time!