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NRA Certified Instructor

XI Category News: May - June 2016

by David Helmer, May 19, 2016

Marketing Manager

I would like to commend you on your recruiting efforts during the early months of 2016! Memberships brought in from instructors, the fastest growing recruiting category, have increased more than 125% since last year. 

The key to keeping the momentum going is making sure no opportunity is missed. For 15 years, Gunsite Academy has been so determined not to miss a student, they have offered free NRA memberships or renewals to all their students who enroll in a 2-5 day class. Student Coordinator Karen Starin explained, “Buz Mills owns Gunsite and this was his idea. He serves on the board and is passionate about the NRA. His granddaughter was a life member as soon as she was born. Really, it was built into the price of the class years ago. It’s just something we budget for and it works well. If someone is already a life member, we let them sign up someone else; a friend, relative, or whomever.”

For others who cannot adjust your budget, focus on your sales techniques to enlist a higher percentage of students. Study NRA membership benefits until you can list them in your sleep, connect with your students, listen closely to understand their needs, and then use a personal touch to bring them in. One of the final steps in the marksman learning process is learning how you can stay active and involved in the fight to uphold and defend your Second Amendment freedoms.

Presentation and professionalism also go a long way in signing up new members. Set up a display table showcasing what the NRA has to offer and go over benefits point-by-point in class. Then, when your students reach that point of persuasion, make the application process as simple as possible.  Commence Firearms Training Academy enrolled as a recruiter December 29, 2015 and has already signed up 48 members by doing just this. After benefits are explained, they have multiple computers connected to their web link and staff to assist students in joining on the spot.

Remember that every student in your class has the potential to sign up, renew, extend their membership, or donate – along with every other firearm supporter you encounter! Instructors have a distinctive role within our recruiting team. You are the cavalry, the expert first-responders, and the most versatile of all recruiters. As professionals on the front lines of educating the American public, you have the opportunity to make a major impact!

General Inquiries

NRA Recruiting Programs
11250 Waples Mill Road
Fairfax, VA 22030
[email protected]

Northern Region Recruiter Inquiries

Edward Zhou
[email protected]

Western Region Recruiter Inquiries

John Hurwitz
[email protected]

Southern Region Recruiter Inquiries

Paul Littlefield
[email protected]

Central Region Recruiter Inquiries

Colin Nash
[email protected]

NRA Recruiters

The NRA Recruiting program provides a great opportunity for NRA members to strengthen the NRA by increasing membership and earn extra money at the same time!


There is no cost to enroll. Apply to become an NRA Recruiter today!