While much focus has been given to the recent dues increase, one result is that Recruiters have received a raise! The new commission on a regular one-year membership is now $12 for a new member and $6 for a renewal. It's even higher for a five-year membership at $15 for a new member and $8 for a renewal! The new commission structure for all types of memberships is below:
Membership Type
Recruiter Pricing
Recruiter Commission
(reg. $40)
$12 new
$6 renewing
(reg. $100)
$12 new
$6 renewing
(reg. $140)
$15 new
$8 renewing
(reg. $1,500)
$25 (for fully paid)
Junior and
Distinguished Life
(reg. $750)
$25 (for fully paid)
Don't forget; the price for the five-year membership remains unchanged at $100. That's a savings of $40 to the member! Combined with an increased commission, the NRA Recruiting programs looks forward to seeing the five-year memberships roll in!
The NRA Recruiting program provides a great opportunity for NRA members to strengthen the NRA by increasing membership and earn extra money at the same time!