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Southeast Region Gun Show & Event

Southeast Region July - August 2016

The first half of the year is coming to a close and the Southeast continues to have success in 2016. Here are the latest stats for the Southeast:

  • Up 44% versus 2015!
  • Over 1,700 memberships in the month of June alone!
  • Over 200 events attended in 2016!

We must continue this success. There are many more events and shows out there that we need Recruiters for. Who do you know? Get them signed up to be a Recruiter! We need as many Recruiters as we can get to attend shows across the Southeast.

As a reminder, all membership applications must be turned in within 1 week of your show or event per your Recruiter contract. Recently, I received membership applications more than 2 months after the event is held.  That is unacceptable. This causes delays in processing and delays delivering memberships. To get those memberships sent in a timely manner, priority mail is the best method. It may cost you a little more at the post office but it will guarantee that your membership applications get here. The faster you get in your applications, the faster you get your commission!

Don’t forget to stay informed! I encourage you to visit NRA-ILA’s website, https://www.nraila.org/, for the latest information on all the NRA is fighting for!

NRA Recruiters

The NRA Recruiting program provides a great opportunity for NRA members to strengthen the NRA by increasing membership and earn extra money at the same time!


There is no cost to enroll. Apply to become an NRA Recruiter today!