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Northeast Region Gun Show & Event

Northeast Regional Report: January - February 2016

February 4, 2016

Commit to ACTION!  In order to keep up the pace in 2016, I’d like to challenge each of you to commit yourselves to action.  Be confident and believe the potential member has already made the decision to join. This makes for an easier transition when finalizing the deal.  Remind them that we have the most anti-Second Amendment President that this country has ever seen, that our Constitutional rights are in jeopardy NOW, and that their membership is needed NOW, more than ever.

Anticipating potential members’ responses and/or hesitations during conversation will help you finalize your sale.  For example, some may say that they don't have the money for membership, have already renewed, or just don't feel strongly about the issues.  Remaining knowledgeable on the membership types we offer and their benefits will help you overcome some of these hesitations.  Also, staying abreast of the news and issues facing our organization can help you turn that hesitation into action – the action of joining and strengthening NRA. I encourage you to visit www.nraila.org or www.nranews.com to remain aware of the latest news and events. 

We must understand the importance of timely and accurate membership submissions. Members expect to receive their credentials between four and six weeks after applying.  Remaining committed to a seamless membership registration process will help establish relationships and encourage members to return to you in the future for a membership renewal.  Below are several ways to ensure timely and accurate membership submissions:

  • Verify credit card information is accurate and complete
  • Ensure checks are written for the correct amount
  • Sort applications by cash, check and charge
  • Double-check show report accuracy and completeness

As our recruiting team laces up our boots for a monumental 2016, keep in mind that I will have my feet on the ground with you.  The NRA Recruiting Supplies hotline and I are dedicated and excited to support you in the field.  We offer an array of diverse marketing tools that can be used to help you in your recruiting efforts.  I urge you all to take advantage of them.  Feel free to contact me for any support. 

I look forward to making our organization stronger in 2016!

General Inquiries

NRA Recruiting Programs
11250 Waples Mill Road
Fairfax, VA 22030
[email protected]

Northern Region Recruiter Inquiries

Edward Zhou
[email protected]

Western Region Recruiter Inquiries

John Hurwitz
[email protected]

Southern Region Recruiter Inquiries

Paul Littlefield
[email protected]

Central Region Recruiter Inquiries

Colin Nash
[email protected]

NRA Recruiters

The NRA Recruiting program provides a great opportunity for NRA members to strengthen the NRA by increasing membership and earn extra money at the same time!


There is no cost to enroll. Apply to become an NRA Recruiter today!