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Don't Forget the Spouse!

October 1, 2015

If every NRA member signed up his or her spouse, think of how many additional NRA members we would have. Signing up spouses is a great way for Recruiters to increase membership totals without doubling the workload!

Often, Recruiters are signing up a member while the member's spouse is standing back waiting for them to finish. When the by-stander is questioned, he or she overwhelmingly expresses their support for NRA but cannot be counted as an official member. Take the opportunity to sign them up!

Here are a few simple tips to add on a NRA membership for a spouse. Be sure to inform the member that if their spouse joins as well, they will double their NRA members insurance for the household and receive another magazine. If cost is a factor, you can offer the $10 Associate membership for the spouse. This membership does not come with a magazine, but offers the same regular member benefits including the insurance and members-only discounts. And don't forget, just because a spouse is not physically present doesn't mean you can't ask the new member to sign them up!

Signing up spouses is a great opportunity to help strengthen NRA without adding too much to your workload. Focus on signing up spouses and not only will you increase your member signups, but also have a direct impact on the strength of NRA by adding more members.

NRA Recruiters

The NRA Recruiting program provides a great opportunity for NRA members to strengthen the NRA by increasing membership and earn extra money at the same time!


There is no cost to enroll. Apply to become an NRA Recruiter today!