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Southeast Region Gun Show & Event

Southeast Regional Report: March - April 2015

March 19, 2015

The first three months of 2015 have been incredible for the Southeast. We are witnessing a spike in memberships across the board, meaning your hard work and dedication is paying off. With proposed gun and ammo bans, people are interested in what we have to offer and this bodes well for membership. Make sure you stay update with NRA-ILA to help provide the most recent and accurate information to members.

Gun Show attendance has been rising and revisiting some events that weren’t successful in the past could turn into great recruiting opportunities. It is also extremely important to check your local area for new events as well. Thinking outside the normal gun shows will also help improve the demographic of people you are exposed to. Retail stores such as Cabela’s are usually very accommodating and are great places to recruit.   

I have noticed common mistakes in applications that can easily be fixed to ensure the fastest possible processing.  It’s our busy time of the year and with the increased application flow to the recruiting department, it’s more important than ever to have complete applications. The most common mistake we receive on applications is incomplete credit card information. Please note that we must have all 16 digits (15 for American Express) as well as the expiration date on the application. When an incomplete card number is sent in it then becomes our responsibility to contact the member to fix the mistake. The success rate for recovering these card numbers is very low.

Once again thank you for your effort so far in 2015 and if there is anything we can do to assist in recruiting please let us know.

NRA Recruiters

The NRA Recruiting program provides a great opportunity for NRA members to strengthen the NRA by increasing membership and earn extra money at the same time!


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