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Central Region Gun Show & Event

Central Regional Report: March - April 2015

March 19, 2015

Congratulations on coming out of the gate strong this year. Central Region recruiters are already 24% ahead of 2014. You haven’t let awful winter weather stifle the determination and sacrifice required to grow your organization. On behalf of the NRA I want to thank all of you for a fantastic start to 2015.

Now is not the time for rest; we are the torchbearers. This is our fight to win and we must meet this challenge head on before the anti-gunners gain any more ground. Continue to look for new events. With gas prices plummeting, consider expanding your travel radius. An extra 50 miles might add a few events. Make sure every gun store, outdoor store and show promoter know we are ready to sign people up at any opportunity they can afford us as we are willing to put in the time and effort if we are given the chance.

Make sure members are properly and completely filling out each application. Even when we are overcome with multiple members signing up, we must verify all information is legible and all payment information is complete. Check their card after they’ve filled out the payment information or write the credit card account number and expiration date yourself. When an application is returned the recruiting department must call and attempt to collect payment for the membership you already worked hard to sell. Unfortunately, these calls have a very low success rate. Stop losing out on sales already made and confirm each member’s application and payment information while they are at your table.

We are a team and we cannot succeed without communication. Please feel free to contact me for help with new events or with any questions you might have and I will reach out to you when I need the same.

NRA Recruiters

The NRA Recruiting program provides a great opportunity for NRA members to strengthen the NRA by increasing membership and earn extra money at the same time!


There is no cost to enroll. Apply to become an NRA Recruiter today!