This year is turning into one of the best ever for the Central Region. Halfway thru 2015, we’re right in line with the best years the region has ever had! Please keep up the hard work, it is showing in the recruitment totals this year.
In less than six months, new Recruiter Zack Simonini has signed up more than 300 members! He does all of the necessary things to be successful at every event he attends. Zack offers a warm, welcoming and inviting experience to prospective members and makes sure his display is always professional and up to date. He is a great example of a young passionate recruiter that will continue to help build NRA’s membership. Remember to always keep an eye out for members like Zack who you feel would be a good fit into the program.
Continue to talk to promoters and try to find new events. Generally, promoters host multiple shows across many States and if you prove to be a dependable and professional vendor you will always get first crack at their new events. If your local range doesn’t already recruit members, ask if you can recruit at their next meeting or big event. Opportunities to sign members up are out there if you are willing to find those untapped markets. Keep up the hard work!
The NRA Recruiting program provides a great opportunity for NRA members to strengthen the NRA by increasing membership and earn extra money at the same time!