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Western Region Gun Show & Event

Western Regional Report: September - October 2014

September 18, 2014

Greetings, everyone! With each passing week, we move closer and closer to November and the midterm elections. While issues such as the economy and international policy take center stage, don’t for a minute think that President Obama and his followers have forgotten about trying to institute some form of gun control. We need to focus on hitting all of our events hard and make sure that we are telling everyone how important these elections are. Each individual who joins sends a message to Washington that we will not stand aside and let you trample on our rights! 

Recruiting success at events is predicated on preparation. In order to best serve the crowds, you should have at least one additional person with you behind the table. If you are working the events by yourself, you are missing recruiting opportunities. Also, make sure you have plenty of supplies. Running out of hats or applications books at an event means even more members missed. If you need magazines or a new benefits table top display, please let me know and I will have them out in the mail immediately.

As long as you are prepared and energized, we can finish 2014 strong. Don’t forget that our recruiting efforts are tremendously aided by the support of our gun show promoters! I would encourage you to extend a tremendous thank you to all of them for their continued hospitality and commitment to the NRA. Let’s make the most of these final four months and end 2014 as strongly as we began!   

NRA Recruiters

The NRA Recruiting program provides a great opportunity for NRA members to strengthen the NRA by increasing membership and earn extra money at the same time!


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