The wave of pro-gun enthusiasm and the impending midterm elections have created an environment that is perfect for multi-year membership sales. Signing up a member for more than one year ensures that the individual is a member for a longer period of time, a huge benefit to NRA. Not to mention it will put a few extra commission dollars in your pocket!
Currently, you are authorized to discount multi-year memberships for on-the-spot signups at the promotional prices below!
Three-year membership - $70 (reg. $85)
Five-year membership - $100 (reg. $125)
Life membership - $750 (reg. $1,000)
Don't forget, you will receive $12 for every new multi-year membership and $6 for every renewal. For a fully paid life membership, you will get $25! Recruiters, people are thrilled to support NRA. The time is now to ensure that they are members for much longer than just one year.
The NRA Recruiting program provides a great opportunity for NRA members to strengthen the NRA by increasing membership and earn extra money at the same time!