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Western Region Gun Show & Event

Western Regional Report: November - December 2014

November 20, 2014

It was a fantastic fall for NRA and its members as NRA backed candidates won major victories on Election Day! Now is the time to put the “pedal to the metal” as we clearly have the support of the American public when it comes to 2nd Amendment issues. Continue to aggressively recruit as the time is NOW to expand gun rights in all corners of the United States!

While most of us are excited about the results of mid-term elections, there are still many battles to be fought. Our friends in Washington State are facing very real threats to their Second Amendment rights with the passage of I-594. This over reaching law will take a real bite out of private ownership of firearms in the state. It is imperative that we continue to “Stand and Fight” as attacks like I-594 are not going away, even with the impressive gains on Capitol Hill.

As we roll into 2015, make sure to revisit the basics. Enlisting more members increases the potential risk of mistakes. One recurring problem I’ve seen is the repeated issue of incomplete or incorrect credit card information. In fact, the number of applications rejected due to this issue seems to be on the rise; a trend we certainly cannot afford. Please take the time to verify all credit card numbers and expiration dates before putting the applications in the mail. Doing so will increase both member and recruiter satisfaction!

2014 was a fantastic year for the Western region and NRA Recruiting in general. Recruiters like Chad Bennatts, in Washington, certainly helped to make the difference in the mid-term elections. Chad has been recruiting for only two years and is on track to break 400 members! Keep up the great work Chad and thanks to all of you for your work in 2014!          

NRA Recruiters

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