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Back to Basics: Statements and Record Keeping

November 20, 2014

2014 has proven to be yet another stellar year as we've witnessed another massive number of new members submitted by NRA recruiters. It is extremely important to continue to sign up members in droves. Furthermore, it is also crucial that recruiters manage their records properly to ensure recruiter and member satisfaction!

Each time you get a commission check, you also receive a corresponding statement. This statement details the members you've recruited since the last statement arrived. Always cross reference your yellow copies to your statement! If a mistake has been made, it is best to catch it as quickly as possible, not only for the member, but for the recruiter as well.

If you have a yellow copy for a member not listed on your statement, check to see if they paid with a credit card. Look for any missing numbers (you'll only be able to see the last 4 digits) or expiration date. Incorrect credit card information will prevent a membership from processing. Always verify credit card information when you take the membership, as it will help to eliminate these types of mistakes. Other types of mishaps that are easily avoidable are unsigned checks, illegible handwriting, or missing address information. Take a few extra seconds to double check each application before you mail it to NRA Headquarters.

It is extremely important to identify and rectify any membership issues immediately. Don't wait for an aggravated member to contact us, and in turn, we contact you. Ensure a positive experience for a new or renewing member by taking the time to check over each statement.

NRA Recruiters

The NRA Recruiting program provides a great opportunity for NRA members to strengthen the NRA by increasing membership and earn extra money at the same time!


There is no cost to enroll. Apply to become an NRA Recruiter today!