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Central Region Gun Show & Event

Central Regional Report: May - June 2014

May 22, 2014

Congratulations! The Central region has recruited over 12,000 members this year and the applications keep coming in. Now that the gun show season is drawing to a close it is time to start looking for other opportunities to recruit members. Local shooting sports events, rodeos, fairs and festivals are great venues to reach prospective members outside of the typical gun shows we all attend. 

All of us know how hard it can be to build something from the ground up. Ralph and Linda Celia of Sycamore, IL have proved that it not only can be done, but can be an extremely valuable recruiting tool. By speaking with the managers of local sporting goods stores and scheduling weekends to set up their booth, they’ve created a Recruiting goldmine! Many times they have run into obstacles such as local managers having to get the “okay” from corporate. But with a little old fashioned salesmanship they have been able to procure and develop great business relationships with these stores and their management teams simply by going out and starting the relationship. This type of “from the ground up” effort has resulted in over 850 memberships this year alone!

Thanks to all those working hard to make 2014 an excellent year. The work we do now will help to ensure our freedoms for future generations of freedom loving Americans.

NRA Recruiters

The NRA Recruiting program provides a great opportunity for NRA members to strengthen the NRA by increasing membership and earn extra money at the same time!


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