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Central Region Gun Show & Event

Central Regional Report: July - August 2014

July 24, 2014

Thank you recruiters of the Central Region. Your hard work and unwavering dedication has had a direct impact on NRA’s ability to continue the fight. I am pleased to announce that the Central Region is now 4 percent above 2012’s astounding numbers, and our membership continues to grow.

I want to congratulate each of our top ten recruiters, who have all surpassed the 500 member mark, a remarkable achievement!  Special thanks to Doyle Hallmark and Damaso Torres. Working closely with their promoters for many years, both Doyle and Damaso were able to lay the ground work for success and have reported numbers in excess of 1,000 members each!

As we pass the halfway point in the year we must keep the momentum going. Signing up as many members as possible is the name of the game and taking advantage of the upcoming mid-term elections is a great opportunity for continued success.  There are many folks still on the fence about gun ownership and gun owner rights for no other reason than they’re ignorant of the facts.   This is the perfect time to educate people about our mission and get them signed up for membership. 

With the summer come many great opportunities to reach out to new members.  Contact me if you would like to discuss new events, recruiting ideas or if you have a free weekend and you are looking for a show.  Please let me know what shows you plan to attend throughout the coming months as this will ensure that we have a recruiter at every event possible and prevent us from having multiple recruiters at the same show.

Don’t slow down now.  Take every opportunity to talk to as many folks as possible about the great things the NRA is doing for gun owners.  There is no better time to join than now, and no better place to join than at your table. 


NRA Recruiters

The NRA Recruiting program provides a great opportunity for NRA members to strengthen the NRA by increasing membership and earn extra money at the same time!


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