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Back to Basics: Ordering Supplies

July 24, 2014

To be successful, Recruiters must have the opportunities to recruit members, the knowledge pertaining to NRA membership and, of course, the tools to sign members up! Making sure that you have the necessary materials on hand will ensure that you are taking advantage of every opportunity that arises.

  1. Order your materials in time- It can take 7-10 business days for an order to arrive after it is placed and approved. Make sure to keep this in mind while scheduling your recruiting efforts.
  2. Follow the appropriate procedures- Going through the proper channels is the most efficient way to get your materials. The supply hotline has everything you need as a Recruiter. Do not call the headquarters hotline for materials as you will be re-directed to the warehouse. Conversely, make sure to call headquarters for all other NRA inquiries, not the supply hotline. Be sure to have your Recruiter ID number available when you are ordering your supplies. This will save both you and the warehouse time and confusion.
  3. Be sure to order an appropriate amount- Every order you place has to receive approval from the Recruiting Programs department. Be prepared for every circumstance, but don't over-order. If you recruit 50-70 members a year do not order 250 applications as information on these materials changes over time. You may find yourself with outdated materials.

Following these simple guidelines will ensure that you are properly prepared to take advantage of every opportunity to sign up NRA members!

NRA Recruiters

The NRA Recruiting program provides a great opportunity for NRA members to strengthen the NRA by increasing membership and earn extra money at the same time!


There is no cost to enroll. Apply to become an NRA Recruiter today!