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October is "Sign Up a Spouse" Month

September 19, 2013

October is right around the corner, which means it's time for "Sign up a Spouse" month! Imagine how many additional NRA members there would be if every member signed up his or her spouse. Signing up spouses is a great way to increase your recruiting numbers without doubling your workload. We frequently hear amazing success stories every fall from recruiters who focus on spouses in October.

Getting a spouse to sign up is easy. Often, recruiters are signing up a member while the spouse is standing aside waiting for them to finish. When the bystander is questioned, they overwhelmingly express their support for NRA; however, they cannot be counted as an official NRA member. Here are a few simple tips to add on a membership for the spouse:

  • Another member in the household means another award-winning magazine. Many members would like to get two of the magazines and are forced to make a tough decision. By adding a spouse, they'll get an additional magazine PLUS strengthen NRA by one more member.
  • Inform the member that if their spouse joins as well, they will double the ArmsCare® Firearm insurance for the household. Both spouses will now be covered!
  • If cost is a factor, offer the $10 Associate membership. This membership does not come with a magazine, but offers the same regular member benefits.

Can the NRA ever have too many members? Of course not! That is why it is imperative that you embrace the spirit of "Sign Up a Spouse" month and focus on strengthening NRA.

NRA Recruiters

The NRA Recruiting program provides a great opportunity for NRA members to strengthen the NRA by increasing membership and earn extra money at the same time!


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