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Central Region Gun Show & Event

Central Regional Report: November - December 2013

November 21, 2013

My name is Kevin Conklin and I am very excited to be joining you as the new Central Region Marketing Representative. It has been a lifelong dream of mine to work for the NRA. No other group stands for a cause I can so readily support and relate to. I first joined at the age of 20, jumping right into the Easy Pay Life plan! Now I’m on the front lines in the battle to keep our 2nd Amendment rights intact for not just ourselves but for future generations of Americans. Let’s do it together!

I am extremely enthusiastic about working with such a strong region. So far this year we are up a whopping 104% over 2012! As we move forward into next year, you will find that I have the energy and attention to detail that will make for easy and efficient interaction. Together we can keep the lifeblood of our NRA flowing with every new member and every renewal. Please continue to plan and organize your events for 2014 and keep me updated on any new events you discover that are in need of an NRA recruiter.

NRA Recruiters

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